
Simple and Effective Tips for Cleaning a Concrete Patio

Concrete terraces are popular for several reasons, namely their durability, affordability and versatility. But even this low -maintenance material occasionally requires cleaning to look the best.

If you adhere to an annual cleaning plan, your concrete terrace will look great and prevent difficult spots from leaving your traces.

Cleaning a large concrete slab can feel intimidating, but is surprisingly easy. As soon as you started, your terrace could look brand new within a few hours!

How to clean a specific terrace

How to clean a concrete terrace backyard terrace terrace fireplace outdoor furniture

Step 1: Collect meetings

The basic deliveries that you need to clean a terrace include:

  • Garden hose
  • Nylon -peeling brush
  • Protective clothing
  • Broom
  • Plastic tarpaulin
  • Swam mop
  • Bucket
  • Cleaning solution
  • Power washing machine (optional)

Various cleaning solutions can be used on concrete. The popular recommendations range from liquid shoring soap to muriatic acid professionally.

So that a 2: 1 mix of distilled white Vinegar and baking powder is often everything you need to clean a concrete terrace by hand.

Step 2: Prepare the room

You cannot jump directly into the cleaning of a terrace without first preparing the space and its surroundings.

Remove all the furniture and decor from the area to be Gersen. This is a great time to give your terrace furniture a quick trigger. Cover with heaviness (e.g. large planters, fireplaces, grills, etc.) with plastic film as required.

Catch up with a sheet blower and remove all loose dirt, leaves, pebbles and branches from the terrace surface.

Don’t forget to take the time to protect the landscape design to protect your specific terrace.

Due to the temporary coverage of sensitive plants, you protect against rough cleaning agents and damages. It is also a good idea to cover or remove garden decoration near the scope of your terrace.

Step 3: Apply the cleaning solution

Combine the vinegar and baking powder in a large bucket. Slowly pour the mixture over the concrete terrace with a sponge -MOP to spread it over the entire surface.

Let the cleaning solution sit for the best results for up to 30 minutes.

Step 4: peeling

With a nylon bristle brush, scrub the entire terrace to remove the structure and hard spots.

It is incredibly important to use a nylon bistle brush. Metal bristles can scratch the surface of concrete and leave unsightly rust stains.

Step 5: rinsing and dry

Before the cleaning solution has the chance to dry, rinse the entire terrace with a garden hose or a pressure disc. Always start with the lowest setting when using a pressure disc to avoid damage.

Add all remaining spots as required.

Do not replace furniture or decoration until the terrace is completely dry. This increases the risk of new spots.

When pure that you should clean your concrete terrace

Print laundry of a concrete terrace

Clean your entire concrete terrace once a year and as required to prevent a collection of spots and other small chaos. Spring is generally the best time to process a specific terrace.

Spot cleaning is a great option, your terrace looks great throughout the season. Clean your terrace again in autumn when you collect dirt and dirt all summer.

Clean your terrace on a temperate day. Avoid cleaning when the sun is too bright because the cleaning solution evaporates.

Tips to remove hard spots from a specific terrace

Modern concrete terrace -Steinkamin -basket furniture


Metal objects such as grills, fireplaces and furniture can leave unsightly rust stains on their concrete terrace. Depending on the severity of the coloring, scrubbing with a simple cleaning solution may not be sufficient.

Acid is one of the most effective treatments against rust. Pay caution, diluted treatments and a soft brush-Wenn your concrete terrace is canceled.

Start with household acid such as pure lemon juice or white vinegar. Let the acid sit in the spot for ten to 15 minutes before scrubbing with a brush. Repeat as needed.

Hard spots must be treated with a commercial acid. Oxalic acid is the most popular option. Oxalic acid (and other commercial products) can be used using the same method as lemon juice or vinegar. However, wear protective equipment and follow all the security guidelines provided.

Always apply these treatments to a clean surface. Excess dirt and debris only prevent the acid from reaching its intended goal.


The most effective way to remove fat or oil from a concrete terrace depends largely on the age of the stain.

Treat new spills by covering the stain with baking powder. The baking powder decreases a large part of the fat. As soon as the baking powder was sitting for 30 minutes, scrub the area with liquid shell and water to remove the rest of the spot.

While you can try to remove older spots using the above method, many need the use of strong chemical degreasing. Select a product that is suitable for use on concrete and follow the security guidelines provided.

Mold and mildew

Music and mildew can form moisture anywhere, including below terrace furniture and decor. While most of these spots can be treated with powerful garden hose powers, some remain without special treatment.

Confirm the affected area with a mixture of warm water and bleach. Scrub the surface of the concrete with a stiff bristle brush and pay close attention to gaps in which mold spores can hide.

You can also use a commercial mold and mildew’s remover to cut persistent stains. Be sure to choose a product formulated for nature.


Although Moss is technically not a stain, it can be a harassment on any terrace that remains dark and cool all day.

Try to address the moss with boiling water and a stiff brush before breaking out chemicals. You can also spread baking powder over your terrace – sit for 24 hours – to kill the moss.

When moss returns, liquid bleach can be applied to the surface to prevent the growth. This solution usually works for one year.

Stronger chemicals such as zinc ultonohydrate or ammonium sulfate can be bought in most garden supply transactions. These treatments prevent Moos from growing up for several years after the application.

However, be assured that the moss growth of your specific terrace does not damage if you decide.

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